Start your YouTube channel in 5 easy steps
Joanna Chapman Joanna Chapman

Start your YouTube channel in 5 easy steps

You don’t need the latest and greatest equipment to create great video content. Just use what you have and focus on creating high-quality content that your audience will enjoy.

If it helps, create a short script or bullet points to help you remember what you want to cover in the video and don’t worry about making mistakes - you can always edit them afterwards but try to stay in the flow of recording.

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Why video content is important for small businesses
Joanna Chapman Joanna Chapman

Why video content is important for small businesses

Sometimes, it’s super hard to demonstrate what your business offers with a still image or written description alone.

By showcasing your offerings in a visually appealing and interactive way using video content, you can provide a more comprehensive understanding of what you have to offer.

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Why no one is buying your digital product (and how to fix it)
Joanna Chapman Joanna Chapman

Why no one is buying your digital product (and how to fix it)

Are you wondering why no one is buying your digital products?

We've all been there.

You're crazy excited to launch your next product. Maybe it's an awesome action-packed course, a crazy detailed ebook or a genius time-saving template.

You spend days, weeks or even months pouring every part of yourself into your product. And that whole product creation process is exhausting! You launch your product and wait... hit refresh a few hundred times but nothing. Crickets. Tumbleweeds drift by and you decide to head to bed feeling defeated.

A few more days go by and still no sales. It sucks!

But there are a few common reasons why you're not making any sales and the good news is that they're easy to fix.

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Who do you need on your team?
Joanna Chapman Joanna Chapman

Who do you need on your team?

Your business is growing and your client list has doubled - you’re at the point where you can no longer do it all yourself, and it’s time to start outsourcing.

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